
Polska Grupa Motoryzacyjna

PZL SĘDZISZÓW SA, Sędziszów Małopolski (Podkarpackie Province)
– producer of fuel filters, air filters and lubricating oils for all kinds of engines and work equipment, air filtration, working media and coolants. The company has ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001 and AQAP 2110 certificates. It employs approx. 250 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to approx. PLN 33 million. The Company was established in 1939.

SANOK RUBBER COMPANY S.A., Sanok (Podkarpackie Province)
– formerly Stomil Sanok, producer of rubber, rubber-metal, rubber-plastic and TPE products, used in vehicle body sealing systems, vehicle suspension systems and suspension systems as well as in electric, steering and cooling systems. It has ISO 9001, ISO / TS 16949, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certificates. It employs approx. 1 900 people, while net revenue for 2016 amounted to over PLN 682 million. The Company has existed since 1932.

SPLAST Sp. z o.o., Krosno (Podkarpackie Province)
– producer of technical thermoplastics for customers in the automotive industry. It has ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TS 16949:2009 and ISO 14001:2004 certificates. It employs 245 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to almost PLN 200 million. SPLAST has operated since 1989.

PELMET Eugeniusz Pelczar i Kazimierz Pelczar S.j., Krościenko Wyżne (Podkarpackie Province)
– producer of ball joints for steering tie rods and other metal parts for vans, trucks, buses, off-road vehicles, electric vehicles and special purpose vehicles. The company has ISO 9001:2008 certificate. It employs 38 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to approx. PLN 9 million. PELMET has operated since 1992.

GUMAT Róg, Pawlikowski S.j., Sędziszów Małopolski (Podkarpackie Province)
– producer of rubber and rubber-metal technical seals in a wide range of sizes and materials. It has ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001:2004 certificates. It employs 44 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to more than PLN 7 million. The Company was established in 1993.

Grupa EKO-KARPATY Sp. z o.o., Tarnowiec, Głogów Małopolski and Boguchwała (Podkarpackie Province)
– a multi-branch company specializing, inter alia, in the production of technical non-woven (headliners, filters), metal production, repairs of trucks and regeneration of components. It has ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 14001:2004 certificates. It employs approx. 100 people, while net revenue for 2016 amounted to over PLN 10 million. The Company has operated since 1993.

ROZTOCZE Zakład Usługowo Produkcyjny Rak Roman, Tomaszów Lubelski (Lubelskie Province)
– producer of locks, hinges, clamps, locking systems and other parts, also for the needs of motorization and aviation. It has ISO 9001, ISO 3834-2:2007 and 15085:2-2007 certificates. It employs 700 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to approx. PLN 80 million. The company has existed on the Polish and European market since 1991.

Zakład Produkcyjno-Handlowy Jan TARAPATA, Tuszów Narodowy (Podkarpackie Province)
– producer of suspension parts such as: swivel pins, wheel hubs, brake spreaders, brake levers, but also heaters, air compressors. The company has ISO 9001 certificate. It employs 170 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to approx. PLN 46.5 million. The Company has operated since 1979.

SKB DRIVE TECH SA, Warsaw (Mazowieckie Province), production plant – Radomsko (Łódzkie Province)
– producer of innovative drive systems (drive axles, suspensions, transmissions) for the public transport sector, specialist wheeled, heavy and mining industry, and the military industry. One of the most modern cast iron foundries in Europe. The company has ISO 9001, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 14001, AQAP 2120:2009 LLOYD’S REGISTER DNV-GL B-038/2014 certificates. It employs 149 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to approx. PLN 35 million. A family business with a tradition dating back to 1912.

TIP-TOPOL Sp. z o.o., Pobiedziska (Wielkopolskie Province)
– the largest producer of membranes for pneumatic suspension of trucks and buses in the country. The producer of equipment for tire and treadmill services. It has ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TS 16949:2009 and ISO 14001:2004 certificates. It employs 238 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to approx. PLN 128 million. The Company was established in 1988.

ROMA Sp. z o.o., Grabowiec (Kujawsko-pomorskie Province)
– producer of vehicle body components, both external parts (vehicle body parts such as wheel arches, fairings, dummy panels, doors), as well as interior development (vehicles-stores, -bars, specialist elements) made of polyester-glass laminates. The company has ISO 9001 certificate. It employs 35 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to more than PLN 5.6 million. The company has been on the market since 1990.

MAGNETIX Gorszwa sp.j., Łódź (Łódzkie Province)
– provides services for gluing textiles with polyurethane foam and polyurethane adhesive. It has a modern machine park adapted for flame and adhesive lamination as well as for cutting and extruding laminates. For the needs of customers of the automotive industry, it produces, inter alia, seat covers, materials for the production of headliners, sunblinds, vehicle linings, soundproofing elements, thermal insulation, materials for the production of upholstery, headboards, side panels or child seats. The company has ISO 9001 and ISO TS 16949 certificate. It employs 110 people, while net revenues for 2016 amounted to approx. PLN 26 million. It has operated on the market since the early 90’s of the 20th century.

RETNIG Ryszard Ginter, Gostyń near Poznan (Wielkopolskie Province)
– producer of own technological solutions with unique parameters in the world, used inter alia in the automotive industry. The AGV system (a set of automatic, self-propelled transport vehicles that eliminate traditional forklifts in factories) and innovative cardboard alloys, which replace traditional pallets and enable transport and storage of loads are the most important of its products. RETNIG designs, builds, implements and maintains modern machines and industrial equipment, but also provides consultancy services in the field of unique logistic and technological solutions. The company employs a dozen or so engineers. Mr. Ryszard Ginter is the founder, the main originator and designer.

SIEROSŁAWSKI GROUP Jan Sierosławski, Mielec (Podkarpackie Province)
– the subject of the company’s activity is the processing of plastics and the production of injection moulds. Its 50-year experience allows for constant development, improvement and implementation of prototype projects. The company produces various types of plastic details as well as designs and makes injection moulds. In addition to motoring, it also produces for many other industries, including construction, electronics, aviation. The company has ISO 9001:2008 and ISO TS 16949 certificate. It cooperates, inter alia, with PZL Sędziszów and Gumat. Currently, it employs over 160 people, while net revenues for the last completed financial year amounted to PLN 46 million. SIEROSŁAWSKI GROUP is a family company owned by Jan Sierosławski.

IMPOL-MIELEC Firma Produkcyjno-Handlowa sp. z o.o., Wola Mielecka (Podkarpackie Province)
– the company is involved in the production of operating and technological fluids for the automotive industry and vehicle chemistry and cosmetics. It cooperates, inter alia, with the company of Mr. Jan Tarapata. Currently, it employs 9 people, while net revenues for the last completed financial year amounted to PLN 5.5 million. IMPOL is a family company owned by Ignacy Magda.

INTAP Tobik sp.j., Bukowiec (Łódzkie Province)
– the company’s activity is the production of vehicle seats for: buses, minibuses and special vehicles, e.g. ambulances. It cooperates, inter alia, with MAGNETIX Gorszwa. Currently, it employs 189 people, while net revenues for the last completed financial year amounted to PLN 55 million. INTAP Tobik is a family company, the chairman of the company is Mr. Marcin Tobik.

FA Krosno SA, Warsaw (Mazowieckie Province), production plant – Krosno (Podkarpackie Province)
– the subject of the company’s activity is the production of gas springs, couplings and steel components. In the production halls, which together with warehouses occupy 8000m2, there is a complete production line of gas springs, a full line of clutch regeneration and machining department. The company has ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO TS 16949 certificate. It currently employs 170 people, while net revenues for the last ended financial year amounted to approx. PLN 45.5 million. The company is owned by Mr. Leszek Waliszewski, Mr. Krzysztof Frelek and Mr. Piotr Suwalski.

CADWAY AUTOMOTIVE sp. z o.o., Jasionka (woj. podkarpackie)
– firma zajmuje się projektowaniem i prototypowaniem dla branży motoryzacyjnej. Kluczowe kompetencje koncentrują się na rozwoju konstrukcji nadwozia pojazdu wraz z jego wykończeniem zewnętrznym i wewnętrznym. Działa głównie z klientami zagranicznymi, ma bardzo rozbudowane kontakty i bogate doświadczenie we współpracy oraz pracy dla głównych producentów OEM i ich dostawców z branży motoryzacyjnej. Firma została założona w 2016 roku w Rzeszowie przez doświadczony w branży motoryzacyjnej zespół inżynierów i menedżerów i aktualnie zatrudnia 25 osób. Przychody za zakończony rok obrotowy wyniosły 2,5 mln zł. Prezesem zarządu i głównym właścicielem jest p. Jakub Kocój.

VANSTAR Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe Paweł Szostak, Jędrzejów (woj. świętokrzyskie)
– firma wytwarza elementy układu wydechowego przeznaczone dla samochodów ciężarowych wiodących światowych producentów. Obecnie w sprzedaży posiada ponad 7000 referencji i jest bardzo aktywna w ekspansji zagranicznej. Posiada certyfikaty ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001:2008 i ISO 14001:2004. Aktualnie zatrudnia ponad 160 osób, a przychody za zakończony rok obrotowy wyniosły ok. 46 mln zł. Prezesem zarządu i właścicielem jest p. Paweł Szostak.

Przemysłowy Instytut Motoryzacji (PIMOT), Warszawa (Mazowieckie)
– instytut badawczy, nadzorowany przez Ministerstwo Rozwoju. Przedmiotem działalności jest prowadzenie prac naukowo-badawczych i prac rozwojowych z zakresu motoryzacji, a następnie dostosowywanie ich wyników do potrzeb praktyki i wdrożeń. Misją Instytutu jest zapewnienie polskim przedsiębiorcom silnego wsparcia naukowego i badawczego w procesie doskonalenia produktów i ich wprowadzania na rynki globalne. PIMOT działa od 1972 roku.


OLA-PARTS Elżbieta Jędrzejowska, Kielce (woj. świętokrzyskie)
– firma jest czołowym producentem części do motor sportu i tuningu. Produkuje (ale także i projektuje) części tuningowe do aut (adaptery, poliuretany, wahacze, poduszki) oraz części do motor sportu – tuning, drift, KJS (dystanse, camber plates, regulowane wahacze, adaptery skrętu, adaptery filtrów oleju, poduszki silnika i skrzyni biegów, short shifter’y, air ride). Jest właścicielem najszybciej rozwijającej się marki w tej branży, znanej głównie na rynkach zagranicznych – PMC MOTORSPORT (FB). Dysponuje doświadczonym zespołem projektantów i konstruktorów oraz własnym zapleczem produkcyjnym, wyposażonym w najnowszy park maszynowy. Aktualnie zatrudnia 19 osób, a przychody za zakończony rok obrotowy wyniosły 2,7 mln zł. (FB)