Trade mission to Japan as part of the REC-N-COMP project

24 May 2023 Posted in Conferences, Fairs, Members, News, News

On May 15-19, an trade mission of the Polish Automotive Group to Japan took place as part of the REC-N-COMP project. 5 clusters and 6 companies (including 2 PGM members) participated in it. During the mission, we visited Japanese companies and took part in the Multi Functional Materials Week industry fair in Osaka.

The mission was an excellent opportunity for companies from the composites sector based on recycled materials to establish new business contacts.

The participants of the mission from Poland were representatives of TC3 Sp. z o. o., which specializes in the production of ultra-light multi-layer composites and MAGNETIX Lamination Sp. z o. o. Sp. k., which provides textile gluing services, and a representative of the Polish Automotive Group.

The delegation had the opportunity to visit the Multi Functional Materials Week Fair, which included two accompanying events: Sustainable Materials Expo – dedicated to innovative recycled and bio-based materials, and Plastic Japan – focusing on plastics and composites. It was an important event that enabled establishing business contacts and exchanging knowledge with experts from around the world.

The trade mission to Japan was part of the REC-N-COMP project aimed at internationalizing European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the field of recycled composites. The project received funding from the European Commission under the COSME program and focuses on the automotive, textile (clothing) and furniture sectors.