Benchmarking visit “Implementation of LEAN and KAIZEN at ROTO Okna Dachowe” in Lubartów (February 14, 2024)

13 February 2024 Posted in Members, News, Partners, Study visit

Today we had the pleasure of participating in a fascinating benchmarking visit to the Roto Okna Dachowe production plant in Lubartów. The meeting was not only inspiring, but also rich in valuable solutions for PGM members who participated in the meeting.

During the visit, we had the opportunity to get acquainted closely and in detail with the production process of windows and roof fittings and learn about the experience of ROTO FRANK in the consistent implementation (for over a dozen years!) of LEAN and KAIZEN production management methods and the best of the developed solutions. This will certainly contribute to increasing the efficiency and quality of some processes in our companies whose representatives participated in the meeting.
Visiting a plant from another industry, presentations and discussions with practitioners provided us with new perspectives and inspiration for further development.

The ROTO company has successfully implemented and is constantly developing new technologies. LEAN elements:
• motivational system for Lean employee ideas,
• changeovers,
• U-shaped lines,
• PPM quality indicators,
• internal competences of the team of trainers were built with the above-mentioned LEAN specialization,
• and many others.

During the meeting, the Industry 4.0 Institute gave an inspiring presentation on low-cost methods of optimizing production processes and contemporary production process strategy, including carbon footprint measurement.
We would like to thank Roto Okna Dachowe for the hospitable reception, the Industry 4.0 Institute for the presentation and all participants for their active participation. We believe that today’s visit will help our member companies grow.

See you at the next meetings organized for PGM members.