REC-N-COMP is organizing its last event on February 22 and 23 in Kortrijk, Belgium, hosted by the Flanders Make cluster.
We invite small and medium-sized Polish companies that specialize in the production or use of recycled composites to take part in an economic mission to Belgium. The mission aims to help these companies expand their export activities and find new business opportunities.
The costs of the participation of 2 companies will be fully covered from the REC-N-COMP project budget.
The mission aims to develop networks and relationships between companies and other stakeholders and create new business opportunities in the field of recycled materials and sustainable composite materials.
We are waiting for applications from interested companies until the end of January.
More information:
Information about the REC-N-COMP project on the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) website: [link]
The project is co-financed by the EU COSME program.
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