Training series “PGM & GK2 Leaders Academy – GREEN QUALITY”

5 January 2024 Posted in News

We have started a series of free training courses “PGM & GK2 Leaders Academy – GREEN QUALITY”.

The training will be devoted to 2 areas:

  • Sustainable Development (SD)
  • Quality Management (QM)

The first training took place on January 5 and was devoted to the issue of Taxonomy. We would like to invite you to participate in subsequent meetings, during which we will discuss Legal Requirements from the FIT for 55 Package, Quality Management Systems (APQP+PPAP) and other current topics related to the automotive industry.

All meetings will be held on Fridays, most of them will be online, although we also plan to have a few stationary meetings. Stationary training will be conducted in a hybrid formula (it will be possible to join it online).

At the end of the entire cycle, each participant will receive a certificate confirming the person’s participation in all meetings in which he or she took part.

The organizer of the training series is: Polska Grupa Motoryzacyjna and GK2. The trainer will be Joanna Kruszewska, an expert in the field of quality management and sustainable development.

Employees of companies that have agreed to take part in the study conducted by Ms. Joanna Kruszewska can participate in the training (it is still possible to join this study!).


List of topics:

Topics related to Sustainable Development (SD):

Legal requirements resulting from the FIT for 55 package affecting the operation of the organization – CSRD-ESG, taxonomy, EU ETS emissions trading system, CBAM – border price adjustment mechanism, energy efficiency, recycling goals
A compendium of current knowledge in the area of SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, necessary for all representatives of the management board and top management of companies – a summary of legal requirements resulting from the FIT for 55 package (CSRD-ESG, taxonomy, EU ETS emissions trading system, CBAM – border price adjustment mechanism, energy efficiency , recycling goals), ESG in the organization (what is it about? what needs to be done?), carbon footprint calculation, CBAM mechanism
Carbon Foot Print (CFP) – the organization’s carbon footprint
CSR in the purchasing department
ESG in the organization – responsibilities, strategy, reporting
Green reporting – Sustainability reporting in line with the ESRS standard
CBAM (Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism – a mechanism for adjusting prices at borders taking into account greenhouse gas emissions)

Topics related to Quality Management (QM):

A compendium of current knowledge in the area of QUALITY MANAGEMENT, necessary for all representatives of the management board and top management of companies – project management in the automotive industry and process and product approval (APQP+PPAP), the latest changes in IATF and ISO 9001 requirements
APQP requirements + relationships in project management
PPAP requirements
Requirements / workshop for auditors
IATF / ISO 9001 requirements – selected issues
Problem solving – 8D method
Project management

If you have any questions, please contact Bartosz Mielecki (T: 507 285 398, E: or Paweł Orzechowski (T: 505 694 316, E: .