PGM Cafeteria # 2 – management staff online working meetings from the PGM companies

3 November 2021 Posted in Members, News

Today, after a short summer break and a study meeting in Bielsko-Biała, we have returned to the PGM CAFETERIA online meetings. They are dedicated to the management staff of entrepreneurs associated in the Polish Automotive Group.

There was positive energy, effective brainstorming and, as usual, kind and friendly atmosphere. In such an environment, really interesting and innovative ideas arise.

Today’s meeting was mainly related to the topics:

  1. discussion about cooperation within PGM on developing a Polish EV charging station,
  2. evaluation of the working groups operating within PGM:
    • environment protection,
    • purchasing,
    • industry 4.0,
    • human resources,
  3. best practices and methods of dealing with problems caused by Covid-19, i.e.:
    • rising prices of raw materials and energy,
    • crisis in the semiconductor market,
    • absenteeism and employee rotation,

We are glad that the formula of these meetings allow us to build mutual trust and openness. We are sure that this type of meetings, which we will conduct periodically, will contribute to the creation of many interesting joint projects.

The PGM CAFETERIA online meetings are based on three pillars:


and their main goal is to create an optimal space for decision-makers to:

  • integration, talks and exchange of good practices,
  • efficiently making key decisions,
  • effective implementation of activities by allocating the necessary resources.

We invite all PGM Members to the next PGM CAFETERIA meetings!