Working meeting of the environmental protection group at TIPTOPOL company

15 June 2021 Posted in Members, News

On June 10, the long-awaited moment happened and we were oportunity to meet again on a study visit, this time at the TIPTOPOL company. The main topic of the meeting was to discuss issues directly related to environmental protection and the Green Deal program.

A well-prepared visit, a presentation of the TIPTOPOL company in the environmental context and the opportunity to see the plant in terms of solutions implemented not only in this area – it was really efficiently used time.

As part of the Green Deal program, we discussed, among others:

  • “Green Deal” program
    (automotive areas)
  • business models related to the “Green Deal”
    (good practices)
  • tasks facing companies in the context of new challenges related to the “Green Deal

Additionally, we had the opportunity to listen to an interesting lecture by an invited guest from the Marshal’s Office in Poznan on topics related to:

  • packaging and placing products in packaging
  • BDO (broadly understood)
  • batteries and their placing on the market
  • placing products on the market, i.e. greases / oils and tires

The meeting ended with a discussion panel, which was an opportunity to summarize the visit and exchange experiences within the working group.

We would like to thank the hosts for organizing the visit.

Next meetings are coming soon!