The Polish Automotive Group organized an economic mission to Turkey

3 March 2020 Posted in News, News

On February 26-29, 2020, the Polish Automotive Group (PGM) jointly with the National Chamber of Commerce (KIG) organized an economic mission for Turkey for its members. Seven representatives of Polish automotive parts manufacturers as well as representatives of PGM and KIG took part in the visit. The destination of the visit was over three million city of Bursa, which is a known industrial district in the automotive industry.

The main goal of the mission was to establish economic relations between Polish and Turkish automotive manufacturers. For this purpose, the local chamber of commerce of the city of Bursa prepared a series of B2B meetings of type “speed dating” and arranged a visit to several production plants.

The Polish delegation had the opportunity to learn about the modern FIAT car production system at the TOFAS Automotive factory, which uses almost 900 robots on its production lines. Visiting the production plants also covered the Haksan Automotive factory producing plastic and rubber automotive components and the Sanmak Pres plant producing steel body parts.

An interesting element of the visit was also a visit to the newly opened technology development center “Bursa Technology Coordination and R&D Center” and “Bursa Model Factory” or in a training center where production managers can experience the advantages of implementing Industry 4.0 with their own eyes.

The official partner of the Polish Automotive Group during the economic mission to Turkey was the Podkarpackie Voivodeship, which supports the activities of the PGM association aimed at promoting Polish automotive companies, both during domestic and foreign events.