Round table meeting of clusters: How to better use the potential of clusters?

28 June 2021 Posted in Members, News, News

On June 25th 2021, the Future Industry Platform Foundation organized a meeting of clusters in the formula of a round table during which discussions were held on how to better use the potential of clusters. The Polish Automotive Group was represented at the meeting by Bogdan Kępka, who was also invited to the discussion panel.

  • The guest of the event was Deputy Prime Minister Jarosław Gowin. The discussion was attended by, inter alia, representatives of the Polish Construction Cluster, Polish Automotive Group, Green Chemistry and the Polish Cluster Association.
  • In the near future, Polish associations of entrepreneurs have a chance to gain additional money for development – emphasized the participants of the Round Table of Clusters conference.
  • The conference was prepared by the Future Industry Platform.

(Lecture – photo by FPPP)

Anna Moskwa from the Polish Construction Cluster pointed out that mainly large companies undergo the digitization process in the construction industry: We must also take care of smaller ones, because our industry generates a large carbon footprint – emphasized the participant of the meeting. Bogdan Kępka from the Polish Automotive Group drew attention to the challenges of introducing the European Green Deal, proposing: It is worth creating roadmaps just like during digitization. In turn, Przemysław Wojdyła from the organization Zielona Chemia emphasized the shortcomings in the employee education system: In Poland, we have only one technical school for chemists, and this is an industry that employs about 750,000 people.

(Panel discussion – photo by FPPP)

Knowledge and communities

The President of Platforma Przemysł Przyszłość Aleksandra Ścibich-Kopiec announced that the organization plans to support clusters this year: One of our most important projects is a digital platform. It will be something like Facebook for companies, a combination of social media with access to knowledge, networking and the latest research. The PPP representative reminded about initiatives that entrepreneurs can already take advantage of: We organize specialized webinars and we also have an e-learning service. These tools are very popular in the industry.

The President of the Polish Cluster Association, Krzysztof Krystowski, sees the future of organizations associating entrepreneurs in bright colors: For the first time clusters appeared in the EU operational program, so we are at the moment when our entities will be able to enter a higher level and face strong European clusters. As Krystowski added, thanks to associations of entrepreneurs, it is easier to deal with such adversities as, for example, an outbreak of a pandemic: Clusters are masters of networking, therefore they organize the necessary assistance very quickly, launching cooperation between entities from various industries.

(Jarosław Gowin – photo by FPPP)

Cluster policy

As noted by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Development, Labor and Technology, Jarosław Gowin, the Polish economy is undergoing a wide transformation, during which it is necessary to take care of smaller and less performing companies:

Here I see a huge role of clusters associating enterprises. We, as creators of various policies affecting the economy, would like to make better use of the potential of clusters, the more so as they are key entities. According to a recent study, 41 Polish clusters bring together about 2,500 of the most active companies, recalled Jarosław Gowin.

Entrepreneur Week

The Round Table of Clusters was one of the events of the Entrepreneur’s Week (June 21-25) coordinated by the Ministry of Development, Labor and Technology. In this way, the ministry supports the development of the business activities of small and medium-sized enterprises. The program also included panels devoted to the legal aspects of running a business or issues related to remote work. The Entrepreneur Week program also included the announcement of research results on the current and future competency needs in the construction industry and the conference “Innovation and creativity in the economy”.

The author of the article: Robert Biskupski