Regional Innovation Strategy of the Subcarpathian Voivodeship for the years 2021-2030

6 August 2021 Posted in Members, News

The Board of the Subcarpathian Voivodeship on August 5, 2021 in Jasionka began public consultations of the Regional Innovation Strategy for 2021-2030, which are clarified in the Voivodeship Development Strategy – Subcarpathian 2030, in the area of development of:

  • innovativeness of the Subcarpathian economy,
  • competitiveness of tth Subcarpathian economy,
  • staff training.

The meeting also included representatives of the Polish Automotive Group (Nowak-Innovations, ZPH Jan Tarapata, PZL Sędziszów). The representatives of those companies discussed with Mrs Ewa Draus, Deputy Marshal, about supporting the automotive sector in Subcarpathia under the Innovation Strategy. There are more consultations ahead of us, this time to be held in Tarnobrzeg on August 23.

It is worth emphasizing that the Regional Innovation Strategy will set the directions of the policy of the Voivodeship Self-Government in the established and discussed areas. This strategy is to direct the spending of funds for economic development from the voivodeship budget and EU funds, under which regional smart specializations have been identified and described.

The Regional Innovation Strategy of the Subcarpathian Voivodeship is a document that will enable the Voivodeship Board to demonstrate the fulfillment of the basic conditionality, and thus enable the spending of funds under Priority 1 of the European Funds for Subcarpathia 2021-2027 program. That is why it is so important to develop a document that will fully take into account the needs of the voivodeship’s economy and set directions for its development in the perspective until 2030.

Consultations will be conducted from 5 August to 20 September throughout the Voivodeship.

Information on planned consultation conferences will be published on the website

Applications for consultation meetings can be made via the link:: Applications

The project of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Subcarpathian Voivodeship adopted by the Board of the Subcarpathian Voivodeship on August 3, 2021 is available at the following link:
Regional Innovation Strategy Project.

Submitting comments to the above document takes place via the form available at the link:
Form for submitting comments

The deadline for submitting comments is September 20, 2021.

(Original text: Justyna Bartnicka)

Subcarpathian Voivodeship is partner of Polish Automotive Group.