PGM Cafeteria – online working meetings for the management of companies from PGM

21 July 2021 Posted in News

On July 21, we launched a program of online meetings called PGM CAFETERIA for the management staff of entrepreneurs associated in the Polish Automotive Group.

We will be meeting in this group every few weeks and together look for new fields for cooperation within the organization.

At the first meeting, we discussed the topics of cooperation in the areas of:

  1. photovoltaics and
  2. employee acquisition and development.

Among the members of PGM there are companies that develop new businesses related to photovoltaics, such as PZL SĘDZISZÓW SA, which produces energy storage and will soon launch its own production of solar panels, or CSY producing structures for photovoltaic farms, and a company from its group – OZE CAPITAL SA is active in the renewable energy market. Some companies have already installed their photovoltaic infrastructure (such as SPLAST, SIEROSŁAWSKI GROUP, or EL-CAB), or are just about to install it (such as TIP TOPOL), others are just getting started. There are also companies in PGM that have a lot of knowledge in this area, such as the mentioned OZE CAPITAL or UNIMOT, which is developing the AVIA SOLAR project and which is involved in the ŻYWIECKA ENERGY OF THE FUTURE cluster.

Recently, many companies are facing the challenges of acquiring, retaining and developing employees. Some members of PGM have interesting ideas on how to deal with it and valuable experience (e.g. SIEROSŁAWSKI employs high school and university students on a contract basis, EL-CAB actively promotes recruitment in social media, MICHAEL organizes dual education for students of industry schools I and 2nd degree, ROZTOCZE sponsors the vocational school from Tomaszów Lubelski, and RETNIG creates new fields of study in cooperation with the Poznań University of Technology).

These meetings are intended to exchange experiences and develop business cooperation between PGM members.

The program is based on three pillars of EXPERIENCE, DECISION-MAKING and ACTION, and its main goal is to create an optimal space for decision-makers to:

  • integration, talks and exchange of good practices,
  • efficiently making key decisions,
  • effective implementation of activities by allocating the necessary resources.

The first opening meeting with a great turnout and fruitful discussion is behind us. We are glad that the formula of the meeting allows us to build mutual trust and openness. We are sure that this type of meetings, which we will conduct periodically, will contribute to the creation of many interesting joint projects.

Soon there will be another meeting as part of the PGM CAFETERIA!