The conference “Technologies of the Future – ELEKTROMOBILITY” held at the Palace of the President of the Republic of Poland was an opportunity to meet PGM members with the President, Mr. Andrzej Duda.
From the left: Bartosz Mielecki (director of PGM), Karol Zielonka (director of PIMOT, vice-chairman of PGM), dr inż. Jan Pąprowicz (owner of EKO KARPATA), Kazimierz Pelczar (co-owner of PELMET), Andrzej Duda (President of the Republic of Poland), Adam Sikorski (chairman of PZL Sędziszów SA, chairman of PGM), Aneta Gorszwa (chairman of MAGNETIX GORSZWA), Jakub Kowalski (chairman of SKB DRIVE TECH SA ), Ryszard Ginter (owner of RETNIG). Photo Krzysztof Sitkowski / KPRP
All members of the Polish Automotive Group were invited to participate in a conference organized by the President of the Republic of Poland: “Technologies of the future – ELECTROMOBILITY”.
The conference was the second meeting of experts as a part of the cycle devoted to key technologies of the future.
In his speech, President Duda emphasized his commitment and support for the development of Polish companies active in this industry. He pointed to the huge potential that we have in the country. He said that if Poland is to be an innovative state, if we are to be a country in which the economy develops dynamically, competing with world economies, we must produce highly processed goods in Poland.
We used this meeting to talk to the President directly and to present our group to him. The President congratulated the idea of self-organization of Polish enterprises and promised his support. He said that strong, well-organized partners are needed in Poland – both for large international corporations and for public administration. All the more today, at the time of the revolution in the automotive industry. One may achieve much more by working together in a group than by working independently.
It was also an opportunity to talk about future plans for PGM. It was so positive and constructive that during the loose conversations concepts for at least 4 new ones, very specific joint projects were born.
Spotkanie w Pałacu Prezydenckim
Fot. (1,2,9,12,13) Krzysztof Sitkowski / KPRP
Fot. (3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,14) Bartosz Mielecki