CEO of the Year – Adam Sikorski awarded for achievements and successes in 2020

26 March 2021 Posted in News, News

Adam Sikorski is the originator, founder and President of the Management Board of the Polish Automotive Group Association which is the National Key Cluster. He is also Chairman of the Supervisory Board and is the main shareholder of PZL Sędziszów S.A. – a leader of domestic manufacturer of filters for the automotive industry. Since 1992, he is also developing the UNIMOT Capital Group in which is also currently a CEO. Unimot is a fuel and energy company, listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW).

It was the activity of Adam Sikorski as the CEO of the joint-stock company UNIMOT that was recognized during the 27th competition organized by the economic daily – PARKIET. Every year, the competition jury awards prizes to the best personalities, companies, listed companies as well as capital market institutions and organizers. The Bulls & Bears award in the CEO of the Year category went to Adam Sikorski this year.

Awarding the President of the Year award it is a very big honour for me and the entire UNIMOT group team. I think that our experience, flexibility and efficiency, as well as the risk that we are not afraid to take, were of great importance in achieving success and closing the year 2020 with a very good result. In 2020, we were able to take the advantage of market opportunities and successfully find ourselves in this changing, pandemic environment

– summed up Adam Sikorski

Congratulations on the award, Mr. President
Team of PGM