Business meetings of Polish and Ukrainian automotive suppliers

26 May 2022 Posted in Members, News

Yesterday we organized online business meetings between Polish companies associated in the Polish Automotive Group and companies from the Ukrainian Automotive and Mobility Cluster and APPAU.

Most of the Ukrainian companies that applied for participation in this meeting with Polish automotive suppliers declared their interest in new orders, but there are also companies interested in obtaining raw materials and semi-finished products from Poland, as well as relocating business from Ukraine to Poland.

We treat establishing cooperation with Ukrainian companies from our industry as showing solidarity and support for the Ukrainian nation and the economy of Ukraine.

After short presentations of Ukrainian companies, the participants “went off” to separate online “rooms” to conduct direct talks with selected companies, or exchanged contacts to continue the talks beyond the meeting.

During the meeting, Mr Krzysztof Krystowski, President of the Polish Clusters Association of Employers and the European Clusters Alliance, presented to the participants of the meeting the forum of European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP).

The meeting was attended by 15 companies from the Ukrainian Automotive Cluster and the APPAU cluster as well as 9 companies from the Polish Automotive Group.